Welcome to the
Worcester Section

Thursday 10th Breakfast Meeting Hayleys Kitchen Hartlebury DY11 7XZ 10.00AM
Sat Sun 12/123th Gt Malvern Motorcycle Festival 3 Counties Showground WR13 6NW 10.00AM
Monday 14th Club Night The Bell WR2 6QG
Friday 18th Good Friday Run [RC] The Cob House WR6 6YE 9.30am
Thursday 24th Visit to Allen House [RC] [DE141TR] The Cob house WR6 6YE 9.30am
Sunday 27thThree-Wheeler Run with Hereford Section [RC] The Cob House WR6 6YE 9.30am
Monday 28th Committee Meeting [JC] The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Thursday 1st Welsh Borders Run [AW] Oakchurch HR4 7NH 10.00am
Monday 12th Bring a Bike night [JC] The Bell WR2 6QG 7.00pm
Thursday 15th A Worcester Trail Ride [ME] The Cob House [WR6 6YE] 9.30am
Saturday 17th Cider Riders [JPa/DM] Weston’s Cider Mill HR8 2NQ 9.30am
Monday 19th Committee meeting [JC] The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Thursday 22nd Breakfast meeting [RC] Bonnie’s Tearoom at Wild Goose WR2 6LS 9.30am
Wednesday 4th Baffle Haus with Gwent VMCC[RC] Pontypool NP4 0AD 11.00am
Sunday 8th Banbury Run [VMCC] N.M.M. Gaydon
Monday 9th Bring a Bike Night [JC] The Bell WR2 6QG 7.00pm
Thursday 12th Breakfast Meet with VJMC [DE] Herbie’s Cafe, Bishops Castle SY9 5DQ 10.00am
Saturday 14th Open Day [RC] The Cob House WR6 6YE 9.30am
Monday 16th Committee Meeting [JC] The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Saturday 28th Girder fork Run with NBS [MR] Rowberrys Garden Centre 10.00am
Sunday 29th ‘Hereford on the Edge’* The Lion Leintwardine SY2 0JZ 8.00am
Thursday 3rd Triumph Factory Tour [LE10 3BZ] [JC]The Cob House WR6 6YE 9.30am
Sunday 13th A Navigational Challenge [RC/MR ]The Cob House WR6 6YE 9.00am
Monday 14th Bring a Bike Night[JC] The Bell [WR2 6QG] 7.00pm
Sunday 20th Founder’s Day Stamford Hall All Day
Monday 21st Committee meeting [JC] The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Thursday 24th Bullock’s Bash.[RB] The Cob House WR6 6YE 9.30am
Sunday 27th Roy Lambert Ride-in [RC] The Lion Leintwardine SY7 0JZ 10.00am
Sunday 3rd Malvern Mysteries [DE] The Conquest C.P. Bromyard 9.30am
Thursday 7th Pub Night [RC] The Fox Monkwood Green WR2 6NX 6.00pm
Monday 11th Bring and Buy night [JC] The Bell WR2 6QG 7.00pm
Thursday 14th Mystery Tour [AF] The Cob House [WR6 6YE] 9.30am
Monday 18th Committee meeting[JC] The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Saturday 23rd A Cambrian Coast Outing [ME] The Farm Shop Ludlow [SY8 2JR] 9.00am
Thursday 28th Breakfast Meeting [ RC] The Colliers Arms Rock DY14 9HA 9.30am
Sunday 7th The Worcester TT [RC] The Cob House [ WR6 6YE] 9.30am
Monday 8th Club Night [JC] The Bell WR2 6QG 7.30pm
Thursday 18th Breakfast Meeting [RC] Hotspur Cafe Shobdon [HR6 9NR] 10.00am
Monday 22nd Committee Meeting [JC] The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Thursday 25th High Level Lunch [RC] Kington Golf Club HR5 3RE 12.00noon
Sunday 28th Levis Cup Trial [MR] [NBS] The Cob House [WR6 6YE] 10.00am
Thursday 2nd Breakfast Meeting[JC] Croome Court [WR8 9DW] 10.00am
Sunday 5th An Evesham Run [RT] The Cob House WR6 6YE 9.30am
Monday 13th Club Night [JC] The Bell WR2 6QG 7.30pm
Thursday 16th Howard’s Run [HW] The Cob House [WR6 6YE] 9.30am
Monday 20th Committee Meeting [JC] The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Thursday 23rd Keith’s Breakfast Meeting [RC]Hayley’s Kitchen [DY11 7XZ ] 9.30am
Sunday 26th A Black Mountains Tour [AW] Oakchurch [HR4 7NH] 10.00am
Thursday 6th Breakfast Meeting [RC] Bells Farm Shop Cafe Stourport DY13 9SA 9.30am
Sunday 9th More Drovers’ Delights [ME] The Farm Shop Ludlow [SY8 2JR] 9.30am
Monday 10th Club night [JC] The Bell WR2 6QG 7.30pm
Monday 17th Committee Meeting The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm
Saturday 22nd Breakfast Meet with Shropshire VJMC [RC] Archie-lilys Cafe SY15 6AL 10.00am
Thursday 27th Breakfast meeting Wheelhouse Cafe Upton WR8 0PB] 10.00am
Thursday 4th Pub Meet The Brewer’s Arms Malvern [JW] WR14 4BQ 12.00 noon
Monday 8th Christmas Event [JC] The Bell WR2 6QG 7.30pm
Sunday 14th Breakfast Meeting [RC] The Cob House [WR6 6YE] 9.30am
[Monday 15th Optional Committee meeting [JC]The Talbot Knightwick 7.00pm]
Saturday 27th Boxing Day +1 (Day) Meet [PH]? The Lion Clifton on Teme [WR6 6DH] 12.00 noon
you own a motorbike or scooter over 25 years old? Would you like to ride it in the company of like-minded enthusiasts, in some of Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Monmouthshire's prettiest and most unspoilt roads? Would you like to 'chew the fat' and socialise over a cup of tea, a pub lunch or afternoon tea? How about chatting to other ‘old bike nuts’ over a pint, or listening to interesting speakers at one of our club nights?READ MORE >
We hold our bike meetings year round. We welcome non-VMCC members to come and ‘try out’ a run. The format usually involves quiet roads, a mixture of fast and slow sections, a stop for mid-morning tea/coffee and a cake, and lunch at a pub. You are welcome to attend for all or part of the day. The runs normally start from one of two locations (see below), although occasionally we may start from an alternative location so do check the diary before travelling!
We usually meet at 9.30am for a 10am start, but this does also sometimes change, so again, please check the diary page beforehand!
The Market Square Bromyard HR7 4BP
The Mayfly Cafe at the Cob House, Wichenford WR6 6YE
Our monthly Club Meeting are held all the year round, usually on the second Monday of each month. The venue is The Bell, Martley Rd, Lower Broadheath, Worcester WR2 6QG
In the Summer months we may well sit outside and enjoy the British Summer (don’t laugh!), whilst in the winter we have a programme of talks and other events, as well as the opportunity to chat at the bar over a pint!
From September to April we have the use of the function room at The Bell. These meetings start at 7.30 pm. Outdoor meetings start from 7pm from May to end of August.